Ans- We’re providing multiple products as of now i.e. Arkaja Chai Special Milk, Full Cream Milk, Gold Milk, Toned and Double Toned Milk, Ghee Saada Chaach & Masala Chaach & Arkaja Dahi, Cup Dahi, Arkaja Fresh Paneer, Ghee Tin, Chena Kheer
Ans- Our milk is directly coming from farmers home to your doorstep. We collect milk from our
trusted farmers by sending our collection agent their home. Then milk quality is checked on parameters like chemical detection test and then analyzed in milk analyzers to guarantee you unadulterated fresh milk.
Ans- Once milk is collected by collection agents, it goes through rigorous quality checks i.e. Chemical Adulteration test to detect for Urea, hydrogen peroxide, detergent, starch, glucose, maltodextrin and neutralizers etc. If milk qualifies the test then it goes to analyzer for nutrition alues detection to guarantee our customer the quality of milk. Then milk is cooled and filled in sealed glass bottle before delivery.
Ans- Few important things which shall be taken care is1. Do not send children below 10yrs for accepting delivery as 1L milk bottle approximately
weights 1.5 Kg and since glass bottles are slippery.
2. Accept delivery in Bag to avoid direct contact and any chance of slippage.
3. Do not freeze bottles.
4. After pouring the milk put bottles at a safe place away from children to avoid breakage and any chance of accident.
Ans- We’re serving the Prayagraj city right now. We’ll be reaching out with our delivery services
to many other areas in the Prayagraj and beyond very soon.
Ans- Yes, we’ll deliver the milk you’ve ordered at your doorstep- through our delivery
Ans- You can pay for Arkaja Milk online on our Android app through the various payment option. Or if you want cash deliveries just select the option or delivery executive will collect the cash at your doorstep.
Ans- Arkaja milk give your various options on our app you can go for our regular subscription
based model or you can ask for specific day deliveries or if you want to check our quality order for a Trial package which comes with milk testing strips to test adulterants in milk if any. With these strips you can check the regular milk which is being supplied to your house. For more details download our app. The best option recommended to you is the Regular Subscription Model. Here, you can always modify your scheduled milk deliveries if there is a change in plan. You don’t need to worry about any other thing about your daily milk services here. It’s a smooth journey onwards.
Ans- You can book the Arkaja Milk at any time of the day. And we will ensure to deliver it at the
Ans- Since as of now we are delivering in two shifts morning (5.00AM-8.00AM) & Evening (6.00PM -8.00PM) so your order will be delivered in next shift i.e. Ordered in morning (After 8.00AM) then it will be delivered in Evening shift and vice versa. Very Soon we will have all day delivery facility.
Ans- You can cancel the order by going to the ‘ Cancel/Modify Order ‘ section on the left side of the Arkaja App that you’ve downloaded.
You can cancel the order at any time. Although we would like you to do it by reminding us before a few hours- preferably 4 hours.
Ans- We appreciate you for liking our glass bottles. They certainly are user friendly and recommended by Dairy Scientists. We appreciate you for asking us to buy the glass bottles. But, we would love to get the bottles retrieved. Retrieval reduces our costs as well as costs towards
you- our customers.
Post retrieving the bottles, we wash, clean, and disinfect them thoroughly in our factory- before repackaging them for the milk deliveries.
Ans- Arkaja Milk costs a very affordable, best in the industry- Rs. 50 per litre for cow milk, Rs 55/Lit for Mix Milk and Rs 60/Lit for Buffalo Milk. Our customers are our top priority and we offer discounts on the Arkaja Milk during festivals and other important occasions. We’ll inform you about the offers and coupons on the Arkaja Mobile App that you’ve downloaded
Ans- Though We appreciate you calling us or arriving at our stores- we request you to book the Milk online through our mobile applications. If not feel free to contact us we will facilitate in any circumstances as we value our customers.
Digitalization of services, like milk delivery services- leads to greater transparency to the customer and government, greater and better communication between customer and the company, better accountability, elimination of leakage, Quality control & feedbacks and obviously better user experience.